Fresh Tracks Europe

Fresh Tracks Europe is a youth dance network for a new generation of choreographers. Their identity is based on a set of dancing body parts and coloured shapes. Dancers from the various groups actually become part of their own identity.

These building blocks form an identity with lots of room to play. The blocks symbolise the philosophy of Fresh Tracks Europe in which the different European dance groups work together to create a new dance generation.

The flexibility in the design means the identity is dynamic it has rhythm and movement. The identity itself can dance.

Trapped in Suburbia award
Silver | 2012 European Design Awards
Silver | 2012 International Design Awards
Finalist | 2013 Hiiibrand Design Award

Cover! – 85 Years of VPRO Gids Covers

Cover! marks 85 years of VPRO Gids, the television guide of Dutch broadcast station VPRO. This particular broadcast station has played a crucial part in Dutch design history with the guide being a focal point.

This exhibition at the Museum of the Image in Breda was a tribute to this magnificent series of publications. The VPRO were one of the early commissioners of talented designers and artists to design their covers.