Social Signals

Social signals are used everyday. By ‘liking’ and ‘tweeting’ social media indicates our interests. In 110 flags the Social Signals of Valkenberg Park in Breda are presented as a collaboration between Graphic Design Festival Breda and Trapped in Suburbia. The project explores how the park can be seen as a reflection of society. Information was gathered about the different ways in which Breda’s main park was used by city dwellers. Vakenberg Park is a main artery through the city as everyone has to pass through it on their way to the central station or city centre. In the summer months the park becomes a leisure staple for Breda’s residents. As the park is so widely used by many different people it becomes a micro-society. The data gathered about the park explores how this society functions. Social Signals gives a visual representation of the collected data. The flags are positioned throughout the park and show how important the park is for the city. The flags were also part of the I Love Breda exhibition in the Museum of the Image.

Flags of Peace

Throughout history there have been several attempts to establish a peace flag. A universal collection of symbols exist that we associate with peace yet no single peace flag has gained complete international recognition and permanence. What defines peace? How could it be symbolised? And what can a peace flag achieve?

With this project the studio seeks to answer these questions. The project aims to gather a flag design from every nation in the world. Through contributions from both established and young talented designers, artists and other creatives it creates a visual dialogue around peace and its symbolism. Together the flags form a traveling exhibition and present a global spectrum of ideas on peace, each highlighting particular relationships and views towards the topic.

Art and design can be a binding factor between people, cultures and countries. It can contribute to better communication between individuals, close gaps and help work towards a more peaceful world.

Flags of Peace is a work in progress, more flags are still to come.

Trapped in Suburbia award

Bronze | 2015 European Design Awards

Just Peace

Trapped in Suburbia award

Gold | 2015 International Design Award